
About Beat Lease
Who we are and what we do
Beat Lease is a very exclusive production team that has an obsession with creating beats that have soul and atmosphere. Having produced countless loop and sample packs for Platinumloops and Silicon Beats we have earned a reputation for being able to deliver high level productions under pressure.
Using state of the art technology, world class session musicians and the finely honed talents of our in-house production team we are able to deliver to you some of the best productions available in any online beat library. The Beat Lease production is lead by 'Silvabak', a producer who insists on the highest levels of production quality with an ear for 'vibe'. We are always on the lookout for new talent so if you have some high quality material to which you own all the rights we'd love to hear from you.
Get in touch via our contact form.
Custom Beats
If you'd like us to create a beat or remix for a specific project we'd be delightesd to hear from you. With fast turnaround times and the latest technology at our disposal the Beat Lease team can offer you a professional service with excellent results. Hit us up via our contact form.
New to Leasing Beats?
If you've never leased beats before you should read our FAQ page to answer your questions.
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